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A Quick Guide to the Essentials of Yoga

By Food for thought

In a hectic world, the pursuit of peace is crucial. Yoga, a timeless practice, goes beyond the hype. Let’s break down the essence of yoga in, delving into its transformative power.

Yoga: Mindful movement, conscious breath. Unites body, mind, and spirit. Strength, flexibility, and serenity. A journey within. Yoga isn’t just about striking poses. It’s a holistic approach to well-being. Breath is key. Inhale courage, exhale doubt. A rhythmic dance with life.

Asanas (Postures): Build strength, foster flexibility. Asanas express balance and grace. Strength from within, radiating outward. Yoga extends beyond the studio; it’s a lifestyle. Asanas are not just physical exercises but reflections of inner strength.

Meditation: Silence amid chaos. Sanctuary within. Stillness births clarity. In meditation, the mind finds its true home. At yoga’s core lies meditation – the art of stillness amid chaos. Through meditation, dive into self-discovery. Mind becomes a calm lake.

Yoga emerges as a journey to self-discovery. Beyond physical poses, it’s a lifestyle that unites body, mind, and soul. Every breath, every posture, an opportunity for growth.

Power Yoga for Beginners: Yes… you are ready!

By Food for thought

Welcome to the healing practice of Power Yoga, a practice that’s not just about physical flexibility but also about the flexibility of the mind and the strength of the spirit. At Power Yoga Canada, we believe that yoga is for everyBODY. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced yogi, our classes are designed to empower you, build a strong community, and help you break through challenges that may hold you back.

yogis holding hands

Power Yoga: It’s for everyBODY

One of the most common misconceptions about yoga is that it’s only for the flexible or those who fit a certain mold. Power Yoga Canada shatters this stereotype. Power Yoga is for anyone and everyone, regardless of your level of flexibility, your appearance, or your previous experience. In fact, it’s the perfect place for beginners to start their yoga journey because we encourage you to show up exactly as you are.

Sweat and Breakthroughs

In Power Yoga, you will sweat. That’s a guarantee. But that sweat is not just about physical exertion; it’s about letting go of what no longer serves you. The mat becomes a space where you can break down your limitations and experience breakthroughs in your practice and in your life.

The Edge of Possibility

Power Yoga encourages you to venture to the edge of your comfort zone and dare to jump into the unknown. It’s on the edge where transformation happens. It’s where you discover what is truly possible – not just in terms of yoga poses but also in your life outside the studio.

No Experience Required

Power Yoga Canada is a place where you don’t need to know it all. You don’t need to be an expert yogi from day one. All you need is the willingness to step on your mat and practice. With dedication and consistency, you’ll find that miracles follow.

Inclusive Classes

Our classes are open to ALL LEVELS, and yes, they are heated unless otherwise stated. The heat is not just about making you sweat more; it helps your muscles relax and become more pliable, allowing you to explore the asanas (poses) with greater ease.

Props and Adaptations

We understand that every body is unique. That’s why our teachers are here to guide you and offer adaptations for poses to make them accessible to all levels of practitioners. If you’re a beginner, don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek guidance from our experienced instructors. Also using props such as blocks and straps are an amazing way to empower your practice and help you get deeper into asanas.

A Supportive Community

When you step into any of our Power Yoga Canada studios, you become part of a supportive community. We encourage you to introduce yourself to the teacher and your fellow yogis. Power Yoga Canada is not just about individual practice; it’s about building connections and supporting each other’s growth.


Power Yoga Canada is not just about poses and flexibility; it’s a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and community. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced yogi, we invite you to join us, sweat, explore your possibilities, and experience the transformation that comes with dedicated practice. No matter where you start, miracles will follow. Welcome to Power Yoga Canada!

What is Power Yoga? Discover the Benefits of this Energizing Practice

By Food for thought

Unleash Your Inner Strength with Power Yoga: Discover the Benefits of this Energizing Practice


200hr Yoga Teacher Training- Toronto 








Power Yoga is a dynamic and invigorating form of yoga that combines strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. It is a fast-paced practice that challenges both the body and the mind. In this article, we will explore what power yoga is, the benefits of this practice, and how it can help you unleash your inner strength.

What is power yoga?

Power Yoga is a modern style of yoga that was developed in the late 20th century. It draws inspiration from traditional yoga practices but incorporates a more vigorous and energetic approach. Power Yoga focuses on flowing sequences of postures that build strength, increase flexibility, and improve overall fitness.

Understanding the benefits of power yoga

Power Yoga offers a wide range of benefits for both the body and the mind. One of the main advantages of this practice is its ability to improve physical fitness. The fast-paced nature of power yoga helps to increase heart rate, burn calories, and build lean muscle mass. Regular practice can lead to weight loss, increased stamina, and improved cardiovascular health.

In addition to the physical benefits, power yoga also promotes mental well-being. The mindful movement and breathwork involved in power yoga help to reduce stress, enhance focus, and improve mental clarity. It can be a powerful tool for managing anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

The difference between power yoga and traditional yoga

While power yoga shares some similarities with traditional yoga, there are a few key differences between the two practices. Traditional yoga typically focuses on slow and controlled movements, while power yoga is characterized by its fast-paced and dynamic sequences. Power yoga also places a greater emphasis on strength and endurance, whereas traditional yoga focuses more on flexibility and relaxation.

How power yoga can help with weight loss

If you’re looking to shed some extra pounds, power yoga can be an excellent addition to your fitness routine. The combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training in power yoga can promote weight loss and help you achieve a leaner physique. The continuous movements and challenging postures engage multiple muscle groups, leading to increased calorie burn and improved metabolism.

Power yoga for building strength and endurance

Power Yoga is a highly effective practice for building strength and endurance. The dynamic movements and postures require a significant amount of muscular engagement, particularly in the core, arms, and legs. Over time, regular power yoga practice can lead to increased muscle tone, improved balance, and enhanced overall physical performance.

Power yoga for stress relief and mental clarity

In today’s fast-paced world, stress and mental clutter are common challenges. Power yoga can be a powerful tool for finding relief and gaining mental clarity. The combination of physical movement, breathwork, and mindfulness in power yoga helps to calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and promote a sense of inner peace. By focusing on the present moment and releasing tension from the body, power yoga allows for deep relaxation and rejuvenation.

Finding the right power yoga class for you

When it comes to finding the right power yoga class for you, it’s essential to consider your experience level, fitness goals, and personal preferences. Power yoga classes can vary in intensity and style, so it’s crucial to choose a class that aligns with your needs and interests. Look for experienced instructors who can provide modifications for beginners and challenge advanced practitioners. Experiment with different classes and studios until you find the one that resonates with you.

Power yoga for beginners: Tips and modifications

If you’re new to power yoga, it’s essential to start slowly and gradually build your strength and flexibility. Here are a few tips and modifications to help you get started:

  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to how your body feels during the practice. If a pose feels too challenging or causes pain, modify or skip it altogether.
  • Take breaks when needed: It’s okay to rest and catch your breath during a power yoga class. Listen to your body and take breaks as necessary.
  • Use props: Props such as blocks, straps, and blankets can help you modify poses and make them more accessible.
  • Focus on alignment: Proper alignment is crucial in power yoga to prevent injuries. Take the time to understand the alignment cues given by the instructor and make adjustments as needed.

Unleashing your inner strength with power yoga

Power Yoga is not just a physical practice; it is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Through the challenging postures and the mental focus required, power yoga can help you tap into your inner strength and unlock your full potential. As you progress in your practice, you will develop a deep sense of self-confidence, resilience, and empowerment.


Power Yoga is a transformative practice that offers numerous physical and mental benefits. Whether you’re looking to improve your fitness, manage stress, or unleash your inner strength, power yoga can be a powerful tool on your journey. Take the time to explore different classes, find an experienced instructor, and listen to your body as you embark on this empowering practice. Unleash your inner strength with power yoga and discover the incredible benefits it has to offer.

Find the right Power Yoga Class for you at one of our Power Yoga Canada studios!

If you’re ready to experience the benefits of power yoga firsthand, take the next step and find the right power yoga class for you. It’s time to unleash your inner strength and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Take the first step today and find a power yoga class that aligns with your goals and preferences. Your inner strength is waiting to be unleashed!

Click here to find the closest Power Yoga Canada studio to you!

Power Yoga Canada and 5K Foam Fest Join Forces to Promote Health and Wellness

By Events


Power Yoga Canada and 5K Foam Fest Join Forces to Promote Health and Wellness 

Toronto, Ontario – June 29, 2023Power Yoga Canada ©, a leading provider of Yoga classes, Yoga Teacher Trainings, workshops and wellness offerings, is thrilled to announce its collaboration with 5K Foam Fest, the #1 Fun Run in the World for ages 7 & up that is family-friendly and proudly supports the Make-A-Wish® Foundation Canada. This partnership aims to inspire individuals to lead healthy lifestyles by combining the exhilarating experience of the 5K Foam Fest with the restorative benefits of yoga. 

As part of this collaboration, Power Yoga Canada will be offering a free month to their on-demand yoga platform Power Yoga at Home to all 5K Foam Fest participants. Whether individuals are preparing for the event or seeking to recover afterward, these on-demand classes will provide an opportunity to enhance flexibility, strength, and transformation. 

“We are excited to team up with 5K Foam Fest and bring the transformative power of yoga to their participants,” said Pauline Caballero, Co-Founder of Power Yoga Canada. “Yoga and obstacle course racing share a common goal of promoting overall well-being, and we believe this collaboration will help individuals achieve their fitness goals while also finding balance and peace within themselves.” 

In addition to the on-demand yoga classes, Power Yoga Canada will have yoga activations at the upcoming 5K Foam Fest events in Barrie, Kitchener/Waterloo, Ottawa, and Toronto. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in pre-race warm-ups, post-race recovery sessions, and interactive workshops led by experienced yoga instructors. These activations will provide a space for participants to connect with their bodies, relax their minds, and foster a sense of community. 

“We are thrilled to partner with Power Yoga Canada and offer our participants the added benefit of yoga,” said Jesse Fulton, President & Founder of 365 Sports Events that manages the 5K Foam Fest. “The combination of our exhilarating obstacle course and the restorative power of yoga will create a truly unique and holistic experience for all our participants.”

Both Power Yoga Canada and 5K Foam Fest are committed to promoting physical fitness, mental wellness, and fostering a sense of community. This collaboration marks an exciting milestone in their shared vision of empowering individuals to lead healthy and balanced lives. 

For more information about Power Yoga Canada and its offerings, please visit https://poweryogacanada.com/. To learn more about 5K Foam Fest and their upcoming events, please visit https://the5kfoamfest.com/

About Power Yoga Canada: 

Power Yoga Canada is a way of living—both in and out of the yoga room. You will be lit up, inspired, and empowered to take your life on and to be a shining light to everyone around you. At PYC our medium is yoga, but our mission is simple: EMPOWER COMMUNITIES INTO ACTION.

About 5K Foam Fest: 

5K Foam Fest is the World’s #1 Fun Run for ages 7 & up! One of the largest and most exciting obstacle course events in Canada it’s also family friendly. Participants of all fitness levels come together to conquer thrilling obstacles while covered in foam. The event is known for its vibrant atmosphere, community spirit, and commitment to promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.

4 reasons why you need to complete 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training

By Uncategorized

No matter if your goal is to become a yoga teacher or not, the 200 hour yoga teacher training offered by Power Yoga Canada can change your life. Participants can enhance their yoga practice, strengthen their mind-body connection, and acquire fresh insight into life in the program’s safe and encouraging atmosphere thanks to its immersive curriculum and qualified teachers including PYC Co-Founder; Kinndli McCollum. The ontological work that takes place in our training helps all participants learn more about themselves.

  1. The goal of Power Yoga Canada’s 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training is to enable participants to reach their full potential both on and off the mat. The extensive curriculum of the course covers the principles of yoga, including asana practice, anatomy and physiology, meditation, and pranayama. In addition, participants will learn about the yoga philosophy and how to incorporate it into their daily lives, including mindfulness exercises and the skill of intentional living.

  2. The program is run by E-RYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teachers) who are passionate about imparting their knowledge and assisting others as they explore yoga. Participants can discover their own special route while being held accountable and supported by their peers thanks to the supportive community that is built during the program.

  3. The yoga teacher training offered by Power Yoga Canada can still be helpful to you even if you have no interest in teaching yoga. Participants will develop a deeper awareness of themselves, their bodies, and their position in the world as a result of the program. They will pick up methods for controlling stress and anxiety, growing in self-awareness, and fostering a sense of meaning and purpose in their lives.

  4. The program can also aid people in creating deep connections and sense of community. Yoga is a discipline that unites individuals, and the teacher training course offers a special chance to meet others who value wellness and personal development.

Regardless of one’s goals for becoming a yoga teacher, Power Yoga Canada’s teacher training program is a life-changing experience that benefits everyone. Participants will develop their yoga practice, get a fresh outlook on life, and establish connections with a welcoming group of like-minded people through the program. This program is an excellent place to start if you want to transform your life for the better.

men and women discussing sitting on yoga mats

Connecting to a higher power with yoga

By Food for thought

With a history spanning more than 5,000 years, yoga has a strong foundation in spiritual tradition therefore connecting to a higher power yoga can be present. Numerous individuals discover that doing yoga enables them to establish a connection with a higher power, which may be a god, the universe, or simply a feeling of inner calm and clarity. In this article, we’ll look at how power yoga poses, in particular, can strengthen your connection to a higher power through both group and solitary practice.

A physically taxing and difficult kind of yoga, power yoga combines strength, flexibility, and endurance. It is well-liked by those seeking a more rigorous and athletic yoga practice and is frequently compared to a gym workout. Although power yoga can be physically taxing, it is also an effective technique for connecting with and growing spiritually.

The sense of community that is frequently present in power yoga studios and classes is one way that it might help you connect with a greater force. A sense of camaraderie and support can be found while practicing with a group of people who are all striving for the same level of physical and spiritual development. You can find yourself getting support from other yogis during a strenuous power yoga practice and developing a stronger connection to your own inner strength.

A higher power can be reached via the physical practice of power yoga, in addition to the sense of community it can foster. Power yoga’s physical challenges call for a readiness to let go of distractions and thoughts of the past or future as well as a focus on the present moment. By keeping your attention on the here and now, you may calm your mind and develop a stronger bond with both your inner self and the world around you.

Through the use of intention setting, power yoga can also assist you in developing a connection with a higher power. You might be asked to set an aim for your practice at the start of a power yoga session. Finding courage and strength can be part of this, as well as inner calm and clarity. Setting an intention can assist you in focusing your mind and heart on a particular objective, and as you make progress toward that objective through your physical practice, you might discover that you are experiencing a greater feeling of meaning and purpose.

Through the use of mantra and breathwork, power yoga can also assist you in developing a connection with a higher force. In order to establish a spiritual connection and achieve inner calm, mantras and breathwork are frequently used in power yoga programs. The repetition of a word or phrase, frequently in Sanskrit, as a mantra is a means to focus the mind and establish a connection with the divine. Breathwork, sometimes referred to as pranayama, is a method for controlling the breath to calm the mind and concentrate on the present moment. Either of these practices can help you find inner peace and a connection to a higher power.

Power yoga has the potential to be an effective method for locating a higher power through interaction with others, physical activity, setting goals, and breathwork. Regardless of your level of yoga experience, power yoga can help you forge a greater connection with your inner self and the world around you. So why not give it a try and see whether power yoga will help you in your quest to connect spiritually?

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Testimonials

By 200 Hour Teacher Training

Are you curious about completing your 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training certification? It’s important to do your research and to find the best program for you! We’ve put together some videos below so you can hear firsthand from participants of the 200 hour program that we deliver. Power Yoga Canada’s (PYC) 200 hour yoga teacher training program is a dynamic program led by PYC’s Co-Founder, Kinndli McCollum that will immerse you into self-inquiry, practice teaching, asana (practice), meditation and group discussions. You will learn the basics and the fundamental knowledge to go out into the world and to lead a Power Yoga class. You will be engaged from day one and you are able to choose from ONE of TWO options including In-Person & Online or Fully Online. Our 200 hour program is unique in that it attracts both yoga practitioners who are interested in becoming powerful yoga teachers and many people who are interested in self-inquiry and truth-seeking within themselves. Yoga Alliance certified this training will provide participants with the opportunity to teach at other studios across the globe (ensure you review other studio requirements). Click here for all of the program details for the Winter 2024 program!

  • Katya touches on her experience of the 200 hour Yoga Teacher program held by Power Yoga Canada!

  •  Stephanie shares a quick video of her experience with the 200 hour Yoga Teacher program held by Power Yoga Canada!

  •  Erica shares insight on her experience of the 200 hour Yoga Teacher program held by Power Yoga Canada!

  • Power Yoga Canada teacher Rechev shares his experience with the Diversity Scholarship offered by PYC and the impact it’s had on him

  • Tim provides an in-depth look at his Yoga Teacher Training experience and the impact it had on him from start to finish

  • Power Yoga Canada teacher Kayla’s passion comes through as she dives deep into the impact this program has had on her

  • 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Graduate Abbey’s feedback of the program is from the heart and touches on how the program helped her come out of her shell

Your Questions Answered for Yoga Teacher Training

By 200 Hour Teacher Training, 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

As Power Yoga Canada (PYC) excitedly prepares to host the hybrid 200 hour Winter 2024 yoga teacher training, a lot of questions come through from potential participants. 

  1. How does an online and in-person program function?
  2. Will I learn everything I need to in order to become a successful yoga teacher?
  3. Can online yoga teacher training be as effective online as it is in person?
  4. What if I don’t want to teach yoga? 

About Power Yoga Canada’s 200 hour Yoga Teaching Training

The PYC 200 hour teacher training is unique as it touches on our culture that has been created and developed since the first doors were opened in 2009. Throughout the training, so much of the culture is brought forth through the methodology, yoga philosophy, the poses, and all of the transformational activities. As we all know, teachers play an integral part in the magic behind what PYC stands for, and therefore in order to ensure our guests experience the magic, it’s important for all teachers to go through the PYC 200 hr training in order to teach at any PYC location or on the PYC at Home Zoom platform. And can we not forget that Kinndli McCollum leads the training? Like, come on. The unicorn of all unicorns! Do not let being tech-savvy stop you from taking this transformational program because we have an amazing team here at PYC who will support you and will ensure you are good to go.

The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training program is the first step in your journey as a yoga teacher so continue reading to find out more!

1. How does an online and in-person program function?

Power Yoga Canada is providing multiple options for guests to engage in the 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Program for Winter 2024 to make it accessible and to provide guests with the ability to take part in-person or online from anywhere in the world. With the use of technology and facilitation tools, we ensure that all guests, whether they are fully online or in-person and online, will have an engaging and transformational experience. Take a look below to understand what each option entails:

  1. In-Person and Online- participants choosing this option will be fully engaged with participants online and in-person. They will start online on Zoom Saturday morning for a few hours before heading to the PYC Oakville Studio in the afternoon and evening (all participants are given 90 minutes to head to the PYC Oakville Studio). On Sunday, participants will once again start on Zoom in the morning for a few hours before heading to the PYC Oakville Studio in the afternoon. On Wednesday, all participants are fully online from 6 pm – 9 pm EST.
  2. Online- participants choosing this option will be online for the full duration of the program interacting with people in person and on Zoom provided with the same experience and level of care.

It is important to us that all participants have a fantastic experience so if you have any hesitation for either of the options please let us know so we can do our best to accommodate for you.

2. Will I learn everything I need to in order to become a successful yoga teacher?

Yes, you most certainly will! All of the content is delivered to help ensure you are putting what you learn right to practice! There is LABBING where you go through each and every pose of the yoga sequence known as the Power Yoga Canada Flow and you will dissect the poses with all of your peers. Furthermore, you are engaged in experiential learning throughout the entire program by teaching yoga to your fellow peers. There are presentations on the history of yoga, the anatomy of yoga, the Hindu gods, and much more! Another important aspect of yoga teacher training is the self-inquiry work and activities that you take part in. The work and activities that you go through allow you to discover your true, authentic voice and help you find the confidence you had in you all along. We’ve received great feedback about the content of the program including two comments from recent graduates: 

“The content was fantastic. I really enjoyed all the topics we covered. I liked that every day had a theme and a quote. I also really enjoyed hearing others speak and spending time discussing our learnings in small groups. This helped me understand the content on a deeper level.”

“I honestly couldn’t believe how thorough this program was, to be honest. Even with the steps, we could take after the program! This program was so humbling because of the amount of trust PYC puts in their students and I felt the sincerity of wanting to support us after we come out of our cocoons. I wouldn’t change a thing (and I’m so grateful for all of it)!”

3. Can online yoga teacher training be as effective online as it is in person?

Before our first 200 hour Online Yoga Teacher Training took place in May 2020, we had no expectations going in. We hadn’t run one before and Power Yoga Canada is known for providing transformational, high-quality training so we had a lot on the line. We took the leap of faith just a month before the program began and put all of our focus on how it would be delivered. Weeks leading up to the program we had many people interested and kicked off the program with 37 eager yogi’s ready to take on a new journey. A transformational journey.  Below are a couple of comments from graduates of the program:

“The facilitation was amazing, I know it was a group program, but there were so many different times where I felt like the program facilitators were talking directly to me. This really enhanced my experience and was very stimulating. It opened me up to participate in ways I never thought I would.”

“I loved the online aspect! I thought I would miss out on taking the program online, but I don’t think I did at all! I feel like I made genuine connections, made new friends, and I was still able to hear others speak to the group and have small group discussions. I liked that there was no commute to and from training and that I didn’t have to pack everything. It was really nice to have the training in the comfort of my own home. I was very pleasantly surprised!”

4. What if I don’t want to teach yoga? 

PYC has had many individuals take part in our Yoga Teacher Training who simply want to learn more about their own yoga practice and have come out of the training with great knowledge and insight. The self-inquiry aspect is also proven extremely beneficial to all graduates who leave with more clarity in their life’s purpose and have become more self-aware in all areas of their lives. We have seen genuine connections and lifelong friendships created through the programs and we are extremely honoured to be able to lead such a transformative program online to people around the entire globe.

I want to leave you with one personal experience that was shared with us from a graduate of the Summer 2023 training:

“PYC Teacher Training has been pivotal in my own personal and professional transformation. I came to this program with zero expectations but fully submerged myself within the program and community. This program put me through many uncomfortable situations but soon these situations became more comfortable. I then began realizing my potential and possibilities are limitless. In turn, I have a new perspective of who I am. One that is closer to my core values. This new awareness helps me take pride in my attributes, loving what I have, and just being myself. I know If I’m faking it I can never be happy. With this perspective, I live with a new Mantra, “Now everything I do I do it with my heart and I do it so well.” Thank you PYC and the tools you have provided me to better myself and those around me.”

If you have any questions at all please feel free to reach out to PYC’s Director of Growth, Nick Vetro, any time at nick@poweryogacanada.com or by text/call at 905-808-3330.

300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Testimonials

By 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Are you curious about completing your 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training certification? It’s important to do your research and to find the best program for you! We’ve put together some videos below so you can hear firsthand from participants of the 300 hour program that we deliver. Power Yoga Canada’s 300 hour yoga teacher training program will help you take your Yoga Teaching to the next level! You will learn advanced techniques, further develop your leadership skills and build on the foundation you already have with your 200 hour Yoga Teacher certification. Deepen your understanding of how to use yoga as a healing modality and utilize powerful tools for personal transformation. Yoga Alliance certified, this training will provide participants with the opportunity to participate either in-person & online, or fully online! Click here for all of the program details for the Fall 2021 program!

  • Anathèle Zamor shares her experience during the Fall 2020 program that was fully online! She also went on to state that “Doing the 300 hours program has launched my career in yoga in a way I didn’t imagine could be possible! It’s been really amazing!”

  • Power Yoga Canada teacher Vicki Fiddler touches on the impact that the 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training program had on her including discovering her voice and making lifelong friends!

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