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A Quick Guide to the Essentials of Yoga

By Food for thought

In a hectic world, the pursuit of peace is crucial. Yoga, a timeless practice, goes beyond the hype. Let’s break down the essence of yoga in, delving into its transformative power.

Yoga: Mindful movement, conscious breath. Unites body, mind, and spirit. Strength, flexibility, and serenity. A journey within. Yoga isn’t just about striking poses. It’s a holistic approach to well-being. Breath is key. Inhale courage, exhale doubt. A rhythmic dance with life.

Asanas (Postures): Build strength, foster flexibility. Asanas express balance and grace. Strength from within, radiating outward. Yoga extends beyond the studio; it’s a lifestyle. Asanas are not just physical exercises but reflections of inner strength.

Meditation: Silence amid chaos. Sanctuary within. Stillness births clarity. In meditation, the mind finds its true home. At yoga’s core lies meditation – the art of stillness amid chaos. Through meditation, dive into self-discovery. Mind becomes a calm lake.

Yoga emerges as a journey to self-discovery. Beyond physical poses, it’s a lifestyle that unites body, mind, and soul. Every breath, every posture, an opportunity for growth.

What is Power Yoga? Discover the Benefits of this Energizing Practice

By Food for thought

Unleash Your Inner Strength with Power Yoga: Discover the Benefits of this Energizing Practice


200hr Yoga Teacher Training- Toronto 








Power Yoga is a dynamic and invigorating form of yoga that combines strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. It is a fast-paced practice that challenges both the body and the mind. In this article, we will explore what power yoga is, the benefits of this practice, and how it can help you unleash your inner strength.

What is power yoga?

Power Yoga is a modern style of yoga that was developed in the late 20th century. It draws inspiration from traditional yoga practices but incorporates a more vigorous and energetic approach. Power Yoga focuses on flowing sequences of postures that build strength, increase flexibility, and improve overall fitness.

Understanding the benefits of power yoga

Power Yoga offers a wide range of benefits for both the body and the mind. One of the main advantages of this practice is its ability to improve physical fitness. The fast-paced nature of power yoga helps to increase heart rate, burn calories, and build lean muscle mass. Regular practice can lead to weight loss, increased stamina, and improved cardiovascular health.

In addition to the physical benefits, power yoga also promotes mental well-being. The mindful movement and breathwork involved in power yoga help to reduce stress, enhance focus, and improve mental clarity. It can be a powerful tool for managing anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.

The difference between power yoga and traditional yoga

While power yoga shares some similarities with traditional yoga, there are a few key differences between the two practices. Traditional yoga typically focuses on slow and controlled movements, while power yoga is characterized by its fast-paced and dynamic sequences. Power yoga also places a greater emphasis on strength and endurance, whereas traditional yoga focuses more on flexibility and relaxation.

How power yoga can help with weight loss

If you’re looking to shed some extra pounds, power yoga can be an excellent addition to your fitness routine. The combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training in power yoga can promote weight loss and help you achieve a leaner physique. The continuous movements and challenging postures engage multiple muscle groups, leading to increased calorie burn and improved metabolism.

Power yoga for building strength and endurance

Power Yoga is a highly effective practice for building strength and endurance. The dynamic movements and postures require a significant amount of muscular engagement, particularly in the core, arms, and legs. Over time, regular power yoga practice can lead to increased muscle tone, improved balance, and enhanced overall physical performance.

Power yoga for stress relief and mental clarity

In today’s fast-paced world, stress and mental clutter are common challenges. Power yoga can be a powerful tool for finding relief and gaining mental clarity. The combination of physical movement, breathwork, and mindfulness in power yoga helps to calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and promote a sense of inner peace. By focusing on the present moment and releasing tension from the body, power yoga allows for deep relaxation and rejuvenation.

Finding the right power yoga class for you

When it comes to finding the right power yoga class for you, it’s essential to consider your experience level, fitness goals, and personal preferences. Power yoga classes can vary in intensity and style, so it’s crucial to choose a class that aligns with your needs and interests. Look for experienced instructors who can provide modifications for beginners and challenge advanced practitioners. Experiment with different classes and studios until you find the one that resonates with you.

Power yoga for beginners: Tips and modifications

If you’re new to power yoga, it’s essential to start slowly and gradually build your strength and flexibility. Here are a few tips and modifications to help you get started:

  • Listen to your body: Pay attention to how your body feels during the practice. If a pose feels too challenging or causes pain, modify or skip it altogether.
  • Take breaks when needed: It’s okay to rest and catch your breath during a power yoga class. Listen to your body and take breaks as necessary.
  • Use props: Props such as blocks, straps, and blankets can help you modify poses and make them more accessible.
  • Focus on alignment: Proper alignment is crucial in power yoga to prevent injuries. Take the time to understand the alignment cues given by the instructor and make adjustments as needed.

Unleashing your inner strength with power yoga

Power Yoga is not just a physical practice; it is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Through the challenging postures and the mental focus required, power yoga can help you tap into your inner strength and unlock your full potential. As you progress in your practice, you will develop a deep sense of self-confidence, resilience, and empowerment.


Power Yoga is a transformative practice that offers numerous physical and mental benefits. Whether you’re looking to improve your fitness, manage stress, or unleash your inner strength, power yoga can be a powerful tool on your journey. Take the time to explore different classes, find an experienced instructor, and listen to your body as you embark on this empowering practice. Unleash your inner strength with power yoga and discover the incredible benefits it has to offer.

Find the right Power Yoga Class for you at one of our Power Yoga Canada studios!

If you’re ready to experience the benefits of power yoga firsthand, take the next step and find the right power yoga class for you. It’s time to unleash your inner strength and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Take the first step today and find a power yoga class that aligns with your goals and preferences. Your inner strength is waiting to be unleashed!

Click here to find the closest Power Yoga Canada studio to you!

Mastering Power Yoga: 5 Key Tips to Enhance Your Practice

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You’ve come to the right place if you’re motivated to improve your power yoga practice and are looking for helpful advice to advance it. We’ll go into five key tips in this blog post that will help you enhance your practice, master power yoga and improve your experience on the mat. 

  1. Breathe with Intention: Power yoga is a dynamic, challenging form of exercise that emphasizes breathing in time with movement. In addition to oxygenating your body, conscious breathing also helps to relax your mind, which makes it possible for you to feel more present. Throughout the activity, keep in mind to breathe deeply and completely through your nose. Connect to the strength of your breath, allowing it to direct your actions and give each position a sense of force.

  2. Cultivate Core Stability: Learning power yoga requires a strong core. Your core serves as the focal point of your body’s power, offering stability and support in difficult poses. To build a strong foundation, incorporate core-focused poses into your practice, such as boat posture (Navasana) and plank pose (Phalakasana). Consciously contract your abdominal muscles during the exercise to improve your overall stability and control.

  3. Embrace Challenge with Patience: Power yoga is meant to test your physical and mental stamina. It’s critical to face every difficulty with patience and compassion as you work to push yourself to your limits. Respecting the demands of your body, allow yourself to advance and evolve at your own rate. Never forget that growth is a journey, and each step counts. You’ll gradually see your transformation if you’re patient and keep practising.

  4. Explore Modifications: In power yoga, modifications are your friends. They enable you to avoid injury and modify the poses to fit your current level of fitness. Never be hesitant to alter poses by adding props or changing your alignment. As you proceed toward more complex variants, pay attention to your body and make any adjustments. You’ll develop a strong and enduring practice by respecting the limitations of your body and adapting as necessary.

  5. Find a Supportive Community: Power Yoga Canada provides a loving and welcoming community where yogis help and encourage one another. Participate in workshops, Yoga Teacher Trainings (Summer or Winter) and have conversations with other yogis to broaden your knowledge and meet like-minded people. Sharing your journey with others fosters growth and inspiration by creating a positive and stimulating environment.

Dedication, consistency, and a willingness to push oneself are necessary for mastering power yoga. You may improve your power yoga experience and experience dramatic growth both on and off the mat by implementing these five essential tips into your routine. Keep in mind to breathe deliberately, strengthen your core, accept problems patiently, explore changes, and surround yourself with encouraging people. Enjoy the practice, have faith in your path, and let yoga’s transformative ability to change your life. Come along with us at Power Yoga Canada as we set off on this empowering journey!

vinyasa yoga

Upward Dog with Steph

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Testimonials

By 200 Hour Teacher Training

Are you curious about completing your 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training certification? It’s important to do your research and to find the best program for you! We’ve put together some videos below so you can hear firsthand from participants of the 200 hour program that we deliver. Power Yoga Canada’s (PYC) 200 hour yoga teacher training program is a dynamic program led by PYC’s Co-Founder, Kinndli McCollum that will immerse you into self-inquiry, practice teaching, asana (practice), meditation and group discussions. You will learn the basics and the fundamental knowledge to go out into the world and to lead a Power Yoga class. You will be engaged from day one and you are able to choose from ONE of TWO options including In-Person & Online or Fully Online. Our 200 hour program is unique in that it attracts both yoga practitioners who are interested in becoming powerful yoga teachers and many people who are interested in self-inquiry and truth-seeking within themselves. Yoga Alliance certified this training will provide participants with the opportunity to teach at other studios across the globe (ensure you review other studio requirements). Click here for all of the program details for the Winter 2024 program!

  • Katya touches on her experience of the 200 hour Yoga Teacher program held by Power Yoga Canada!

  •  Stephanie shares a quick video of her experience with the 200 hour Yoga Teacher program held by Power Yoga Canada!

  •  Erica shares insight on her experience of the 200 hour Yoga Teacher program held by Power Yoga Canada!

  • Power Yoga Canada teacher Rechev shares his experience with the Diversity Scholarship offered by PYC and the impact it’s had on him

  • Tim provides an in-depth look at his Yoga Teacher Training experience and the impact it had on him from start to finish

  • Power Yoga Canada teacher Kayla’s passion comes through as she dives deep into the impact this program has had on her

  • 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Graduate Abbey’s feedback of the program is from the heart and touches on how the program helped her come out of her shell

300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Testimonials

By 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Are you curious about completing your 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training certification? It’s important to do your research and to find the best program for you! We’ve put together some videos below so you can hear firsthand from participants of the 300 hour program that we deliver. Power Yoga Canada’s 300 hour yoga teacher training program will help you take your Yoga Teaching to the next level! You will learn advanced techniques, further develop your leadership skills and build on the foundation you already have with your 200 hour Yoga Teacher certification. Deepen your understanding of how to use yoga as a healing modality and utilize powerful tools for personal transformation. Yoga Alliance certified, this training will provide participants with the opportunity to participate either in-person & online, or fully online! Click here for all of the program details for the Fall 2021 program!

  • Anathèle Zamor shares her experience during the Fall 2020 program that was fully online! She also went on to state that “Doing the 300 hours program has launched my career in yoga in a way I didn’t imagine could be possible! It’s been really amazing!”

  • Power Yoga Canada teacher Vicki Fiddler touches on the impact that the 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training program had on her including discovering her voice and making lifelong friends!

One Breath

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Building a Community One Breath at a Time

The Stories of Power Yoga Canada & how it takes a village to raise a Yoga Studio

As we approach our 10 year anniversary, it has become so clear that Power Yoga Canada would not be what it is without YOU! We have moved together, we have cried together and we have lived together in and out of unison. Well, we need your support once again.

We are spending the next year putting together all the stories of PYC. What have you learned? What have you shared? What do you want the world to know? What photos do you have and what memories do you never want to forget? Do you have a paragraph? Do you have a quote? Do you have a recipe or an accomplishment that would have not happened had we not met on our mats?

Storytelling and sharing allows us to keep our stories alive, so if you have something please share it. We want to hear from you send whether you have been with PYC since day 1 or whether our paths have just crossed – we need to hear from you! Wherever you practice or don’t practice, wherever you are in the world please send us whatever inspires YOU!

When: By November 2nd 2018 (that will be our 9 year anniversary)
How: Email with subject: ONE BREATH
Questions: Email us! @

Wanna share on social? Tag us & use the hashtag #pyclife and we will use as many as we can.

Mother Theresa said, if you want to change the world, go home and love your family. Thank you for being our family, together we have been changing the world, we are forever grateful & we are all just getting started!!!

Kinndli & Pauline

200 Hr Yoga Teacher Training: What’s in it for you?

By 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training


This program is challenging because it asks you to get real with about who you’ve been and who you want to be in the future.  Through inquiry, meditation and asana (yoga practice), you be able to create space between your thoughts and will tune in to your innermost compass and be in the experience of creating something new for yourself.


You will gain new insights into your yoga practice as you study the anatomy of yoga, learn the fundamentals of the Journey into Power. Your practice and understanding of your own body will be transformed as you understand the mechanics of movement and how to find your fullest expression. 


One of the greatest gifts of this program is that it will reunite you with play.  Maybe you’ve been taking yourself too seriously for too long, in this 200 hour yoga teacher training program you will reconnect with what it feels like for explore with curiosity, put your heart into trying new things and encouraging others to play as well.


You’ll meet your Yoga Family.   These will be the people to cheer you on without question, just like you’ll learn to be the loudest one in the room cheering for them.  They will give of themselves generously and you will too. You will learn to love, celebrate and share fiercely. Do not be surprised when one of you suggests matching tattoos.


Am I really teaching a yoga class right now?  Am I really doing a handstand right now? Am I really sharing in front of the group right now? Am I really moving past by bullshit?  Am I really up to something bigger than myself? YES.

Community Feature: May 2018

By Community Feature

Author: Roman Tataryn, Power Yoga Canada Teacher & PYC Etobicoke Yogi

Hi, Roman here, where do I start? My life before yoga was very much grey, filled with work and parties, and that was all I cared for. On top of that, about half a year before joining the Power Yoga Canada Etobicoke studio, my family-life started to collapse resulting in a breakup with my significant other. Common experience or not, I took it very close to heart. I thought of myself as failure of a man and husband, and slowly began sinking towards bottom. The depression that I was hiding from everybody, drinking problems, weight gain and health issues started to show up in my life. It all seemed like a never-ending nightmare until a rainy Tuesday, March 22nd. I had neglected my health and when people suggested yoga, I made the excuse that “yoga is not for me, yoga is for girls”.

I walked into Power Yoga Canada Etobicoke and my opinion changed after only one hour of a really sweaty class lead by Susan. I was stunned by how great I felt after class, so I started to practice 4-5 times a week, and signed up for 40 Days to Personal Revolution. Slowly but surely, I started to see results; I started feeling stronger, confident, losing weight at the same time. One of the most important things that started to happen was that I started to love the life I was living at the moment.

A magical thing then happened when I went on a trip to Iceland. I was sitting on a rock on the seashore, listening to the waves crashing (it was like meditating, but better) and the thought that I should take the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training came into my head. Shortly after, I took my first steps towards my goal; I took my Assisting Intensive Training and Teacher Training quickly after.

As I am writing this, I realize that a little more than two years have passed since I started this journey. Was there a grand change in my physical body? The answer to that is YES, but that’s not all. The most important change was how I was able to shift my perspective from material things that used to matter the most to me, to the things that actually make me happy. The practice itself brings awareness to the whole body, to what surrounds you, it shows you how to live in the present moment on the mat and how to bring it with you into the real world.

What I found in this studio was a second family. I found people that support each other and make a stand for one another. Our studio gets together to celebrate happy moments like they’re their own, as well as supporting people in the challenges they are facing. I was able to meet some of the most amazing people and they have become my very close and precious friends. I could never say thank enough to Susan and John for creating such an amazing community that literally draws people in. I am very grateful for the opportunity to share my story with all of PYC. I hope that my story can help any student realize their potential. Change is scary, and I know it but, with a little curiosity we are capable of things that we never thought we could do. With utmost love and gratitude, Namaste.

5 Impactful Lessons from Kids Yoga Training

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Author: Monica Mallo – Mom, PYC Faculty, &  Yogi

I didn’t realize we were making memories, I just knew we were having fun – Winnie the Pooh

Parenting can be some of life’s hardest work and even despite its challenging aspects, the love for my children makes it my mission to get back up every time it gets hard, every time I feel the sweat & tears, because they are worth it. Through the years, I have read and studied more books about parenting than can fit in my bookshelves, I’ve listened to fellow mothers, and professionals in the field. I use what I’ve learned from my practice and from Kids Yoga/Mindfulness Training to bring them back to centre when things get tough.What has and continues to work best has been the simple & profound practice of Yoga. Remember, Yoga is not just about tree pose or sitting in a meditation, but instead so much more. The history of yoga is so rich in tradition and offers a portal of connection to self and others.

Yoga can happen anywhere. You do not need a yoga room. Or a class room. To be honest my best classes for my children have been in the their bedrooms when they feel bad about something, or in the living room when one of them is suffering from anxiety, or in my bedroom when they can’t sleep. Knowing how yoga has helped me support my kids, every parent can benefit from taking Kids Yoga/ Mindfulness Training. Here are 5  impactful lessons you can bring into your home:

1. Put yourself in your kids shoes. 

Remember what its like to be a kid? Often we don’t and we like to solve problems from our ‘adult’ mind. We might try to communicate in a language that our children don’t understand,  or we listen from a place of trying to fix instead of feeling what they are going through. As a parent, to have the ability to feel what your kids feel may just be what they need to feel heard & whole.

2. Trust your kids.

Trust that they are responsible enough to figure things out on their own. When you want to intervene, take a moment of pause and give your littles some space. The discipline of breath work and mindfulness can retrain your brain to not be as reactive. With some time you will be awed that they can come up with some amazing solutions on their own.


3. Teach them what you know to be true.

It may not always seem like it but Mommy and Daddy are still their biggest heroes. They listen to what you have to say, so be wise with what you share. Teach them powerful tools to connect with themselves, others and their surroundings so they will know what to do when they have feelings of anxiety, boredom or restlessness.

4. Bring playfulness back into your life.

Having fun with the family is a sure way to get the kids off their devices but first we need to remember how to have fun. I always say kids can smell fear and a phoney from a mile away. It isn’t always easy to connect back to those carefree moments in your childhood but trust me it’s a MUST. Learn to have fun again, reconnect back to those days when a simple game using creativity and humility produced the biggest laughter. Your kids will rather be hanging out with you than any on screen.

5. Love thyself.  

Jane Travis once said “The relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have”. If your children see you value yourself, forgiving yourself, loving yourself, they are sure to follow in your footsteps.

Just like yoga, parenting is a practice.  How have you brought yoga into your home?  How do you share your practice with your children?  Tag us on Facebook or Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!


So you think you aren’t ready teach yoga?

By 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training No Comments

teach yoga

I felt the same way.

It was the Fall of 2010 and I was going to yoga every single day. Power Yoga Canada Clarkson was like a second home to me. I was in love with the practice, inspired by the community and was finally starting to understand those people that claimed yoga had changed their life. I was constantly eyeing posters and hearing buzz around the next round of Kinndli’s 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program that would be starting that January.

Over the course of those months leading up to January, I thought to myself more times than I can count, I really want to teach. Then very quickly and very loudly, the BUT would come in.

I can’t hold a handstand yet, if I’m going to teach I need to be able to do that. 
I need to tone up more if I’m going to be at the front of the room.
I’m not confident enough to talk for 60 – 90 minutes to a room of strangers.
Nobody would even want to take my class. I’ll never get hired anywhere. 
I don’t know if I can handle the big investment of my money and time right now.
I haven’t been practicing yoga long enough to take this next step. 
There’s already so many great teachers out there, there’s no room for me.

The list was long and the doubt was loud but at some point I hesitantly mentioned to Pauline that it was on my mind. Those of you that know her will also know that once you tell her you want to do something you pretty much have to do it because she’ll be right there behind you – pushing if she has to.

I’m so grateful that she gave me that push and now, whether we know each other or not, I’m here to do the same for you.

If you’ve been thinking teacher training is something you want to do, then you’re absolutely ready to do it.

After almost 7 years of teaching full time, opening a studio and making yoga my ‘real’ job, here are the four things I wish I had known then.

1. It doesn’t matter what your practice looks like.

There are amazing teachers in the world that can float into handstand. There are also amazing teachers out there that can’t even hold it for a second. In my opinion, there is no correlation between a teachers ability to do advanced poses and their ability to teach an unbelievable yoga class.  There will always be another pose to work on.Don’t fall into the trap of waiting until your practice is ‘good enough’.

A powerful teacher loves yoga. Their practice changed their life and they want to share that gift with others. They have a sincere desire to dive deeper and learn. They’re passionate about helping people. If you have all that and you can hold a handstand, high five! If you can’t, high five! You love yoga and that’s what matters. You have SO much to offer.

2. It’s a lot of money and time but totally worth it.

My plan was to do my Teacher Training while I had the time and then get a corporate job. I thought I’d learn how to teach a yoga class, figure out how the body worked and understand the basics of explaining yoga poses to other people. I’d teach 1 or 2 classes per week on the side of whatever job I had but lucky for me, life didn’t go as planned!

But let’s say it had. If I was a corporate girl who never taught a single class after my training, it would still be the best investment I’ve ever made in myself and my growth. It’s so much more than a yoga training. Yes you will learn (a lot) about yoga but more importantly, you’ll learn (probably more than you want to) about yourself. You can’t put a price on the growth that this program inspires in every aspect of your life. I would go back and spend that money again in a heartbeat.

3. You’ll never feel 100% ready.

If you’ve convinced yourself that you have some sort of physical, mental or emotional barrier that you need to overcome before you’re ready to stand at the front of the room, I have some news for you. Sitting around and hiding from people is not going to get you over that barrier.

We all have something standing in our way. Maybe you think you need to lose a few pounds. Maybe you think you’ll teach when you somehow get over your anxiety around public speaking. Maybe you think you need to get over your fear of judgement and what others think of you. Whatever it is, there’s something you want to work through before you teach. These are the very things you get to tackle with a group of amazing and like-minded people all going through their 200-hour training with you. Sitting at home thinking about how you’ll one day feel comfortable talking in front of a group is not going to get you there. You’ve got to do it, even if it’s scary.

4. The world needs you, yes YOU!

If you remember one thing, let this be it. Yes, there are many, many great teachers in the world already but guess what? None of them are you. You have something so unique and so special to share with your future students and believe me, they’re out there just waiting to hear what you have to say.

We all have our own stories and life experiences to share. We’ve all found yoga for different reasons and the benefits of this practice are profoundly personal. We experience them in our own way. One of the things I love most about yoga is that no two teachers are the same. We’re all sharing this ancient tradition but adding our own unique flare to it. So stop telling yourself that there are enough teachers out there. There’s more than just room for you, there is a need for you.

You’ll doubt yourself. You’ll probably have a long list of ‘buts’ like mine. You’ll question if you’re ready. You might even have a little crisis before your training starts or you teach that first class thinking: ‘I can’t do this’.

I’m here to tell you that YOU CAN and YOU SHOULD.


jenn headshot
Jennifer Dwyer
Power Yoga Canada Muskoka