newness is exciting. entering a new realm of possibility, of where we may take ourselves, what we may overcome in the process and expressing what is really holding us back, all demand newness. a new way of thinking is required, not necessarily in changing ourselves, but rather in challenging our current self to WAKE UP.
I started the 40-day personal revolution with the intention of letting go of these thoughts that hold me back, including the one right now that is questioning my writing and what value this blog actually holds (what does it all mean people?!). far too often I allow these thoughts that don’t serve me, to overpower and control far too many aspects of my life. I somehow find warmth in the security blanket of these lame thoughts that keep me cozy, yet stagnant.
so I welcome newness. I welcome these new beginnings. I welcome actions that will shift what I think I know, let go of what I have already learned and bring me new ways of genuinely creating and manifesting myself. I’m welcoming new actions that will allow me to make decisions from a place of intuition and power, rather than fear and doubt.
my intention with this program is to get straight up uncomfortable, I want to tap away at these tiring restrictions I place on myself and ditch the security blanket (it is spring time after all, the sun provides enough warmth now anyway).
this new experience is going to allow me to be surrounded by courageous people who are seeking a revolution of their own and together we shall generate something bigger than our current selves.
as Baron mentions in his book, the notion of ‘facing what is pure, the unsweetened truth of ourselves, so that we can move on and grow in an authentic way’ welcomes this new beginning of self-acceptance and discovery.
cheers to the beginning.