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Community Feature : May 2019

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Author : Larry Bartlett

I came to Power Yoga Canada Oshawa looking to expand my fledgling yoga practice of three months. I felt the “Forty Days to a Personal Revolution” workshop would be a great way to make that happen. The workshop asks you to commit to a daily yoga practice, meditation and some self-exploration through journalling on questions. I jumped right in and signed up not really knowing what was in store for me. I had previously spent no time on my emotional baggage – other then to store it and ignore it.   The 40 Days workshop blew my mind open. I found it extremely intense and reached deeply. At times I felt like a child for lacking the basic tools to deal with the issues brought up. I “stayed” and worked my way through the difficulties just as PYC encourages all of us to do in their practice. I’m glad I did.

Community Feature : May 2019 - Power yoga Canada

After completing the workshop I was more enthused than ever to deepen my practice. I took  a number of PYC workshops, maintained a 5 class or more weekly practice, tried my hand at giving hands-on assists in class, a brief stint doing Energy Exchange and am currently the A.M.D. (Awesome Maintenance Dude) for Power Yoga Canada Oshawa . I am thankful to have spent some time volunteering while the studio was being built and that will always be a fond memory.


When I occasionally feel my practice is not progressing,  I need only to remember where I started from to shake that thought. Touching my toes or even lying comfortably flat in savasana was not possible. I now find peace in my practice that I hope to work into all aspects of my life. I have better posture now than when I began and a greater mind/body connection. Calm breathing has become an automatic tool when I consciously recognized I feel stressed and it does help. My practice has now taken front and centre over my road cycling (although I strongly believe cycling will always have a place in my life).


The warmth I feel from the PYC community humbles me in receiving it. I thank you all for it and always hope to return it. I find inspiration from every single person practicing.

I want to be a “YES” for this community so when I was asked to share my story that is exactly what I said.

Get a Real Job

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Author: Aneta Pietruszko


“Get a real job” someone saidGet a real job

I have experienced this personally, but I have also heard it said to my fellow teachers. The conversation around teaching sometimes shows up like, “I teach 4 classes a week but my real job as a financial analyst.” If teaching yoga is a second job for some, why does it take the back seat in conversations? Most likely if it’s a second job, it’s because it fuels part of us that we don’t have access to at our full time job. Does it mean teaching yoga is not a real job? I think opposite.

I’d be lying if I said I never have stepped back and questioned what am I doing this all for. Maybe they are right? Maybe the corporate life I had before is THE way. Maybe I need to find my happy with money being the primary driver instead of my purpose? I start feeling doubt and anxiousness when I forget my feet are planted in right here and now. Building. Rebuilding. Connecting. Learning. Growing. Rome was not built in a day.

“Get a real job.” someone said.

No. I say.

This is my calling. If I build it, they will come. Landing a job that pays is easy. Landing a job that aligns with your passion, requires a thirst for action, a yes for patience and a whole lot of courage. Is all of THAT possible? I would have had a different answer a year ago. Today, I can confidently say YES IT’S POSSIBLE!

Get a real jobTo all my yoga teachers who impact lives, that is REAL. 

To all those who have rolled out their mats and have been left inspired, that is REAL. 

To our favorite teachers that really see their students and are of service to us, that is REAL. 

To the times when my mat was my saving grace, that is REAL. 

I teach yoga. I teach too many or to one. I know almost every single students’ name and if I don’t, I make sure I remember them after that day. You want to know why? Because it matters. Because connection is very REAL for me. It causes miracles and I am witness to it everywhere in my life.

Right now in my journey is looking at what I am and what I am not to find what’s real. And what I AM is ready to align my career to my higher calling with whatever it takes. No one else will have as much of an interest in living out YOUR dream but YOU. What are you waiting for? Make the higher call. You got this!

One Breath

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Building a Community One Breath at a Time

The Stories of Power Yoga Canada & how it takes a village to raise a Yoga Studio

As we approach our 10 year anniversary, it has become so clear that Power Yoga Canada would not be what it is without YOU! We have moved together, we have cried together and we have lived together in and out of unison. Well, we need your support once again.

We are spending the next year putting together all the stories of PYC. What have you learned? What have you shared? What do you want the world to know? What photos do you have and what memories do you never want to forget? Do you have a paragraph? Do you have a quote? Do you have a recipe or an accomplishment that would have not happened had we not met on our mats?

Storytelling and sharing allows us to keep our stories alive, so if you have something please share it. We want to hear from you send whether you have been with PYC since day 1 or whether our paths have just crossed – we need to hear from you! Wherever you practice or don’t practice, wherever you are in the world please send us whatever inspires YOU!

When: By November 2nd 2018 (that will be our 9 year anniversary)
How: Email with subject: ONE BREATH
Questions: Email us! @

Wanna share on social? Tag us & use the hashtag #pyclife and we will use as many as we can.

Mother Theresa said, if you want to change the world, go home and love your family. Thank you for being our family, together we have been changing the world, we are forever grateful & we are all just getting started!!!

Kinndli & Pauline

5 Impactful Lessons from Kids Yoga Training

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Author: Monica Mallo – Mom, PYC Faculty, &  Yogi

I didn’t realize we were making memories, I just knew we were having fun – Winnie the Pooh

Parenting can be some of life’s hardest work and even despite its challenging aspects, the love for my children makes it my mission to get back up every time it gets hard, every time I feel the sweat & tears, because they are worth it. Through the years, I have read and studied more books about parenting than can fit in my bookshelves, I’ve listened to fellow mothers, and professionals in the field. I use what I’ve learned from my practice and from Kids Yoga/Mindfulness Training to bring them back to centre when things get tough.What has and continues to work best has been the simple & profound practice of Yoga. Remember, Yoga is not just about tree pose or sitting in a meditation, but instead so much more. The history of yoga is so rich in tradition and offers a portal of connection to self and others.

Yoga can happen anywhere. You do not need a yoga room. Or a class room. To be honest my best classes for my children have been in the their bedrooms when they feel bad about something, or in the living room when one of them is suffering from anxiety, or in my bedroom when they can’t sleep. Knowing how yoga has helped me support my kids, every parent can benefit from taking Kids Yoga/ Mindfulness Training. Here are 5  impactful lessons you can bring into your home:

1. Put yourself in your kids shoes. 

Remember what its like to be a kid? Often we don’t and we like to solve problems from our ‘adult’ mind. We might try to communicate in a language that our children don’t understand,  or we listen from a place of trying to fix instead of feeling what they are going through. As a parent, to have the ability to feel what your kids feel may just be what they need to feel heard & whole.

2. Trust your kids.

Trust that they are responsible enough to figure things out on their own. When you want to intervene, take a moment of pause and give your littles some space. The discipline of breath work and mindfulness can retrain your brain to not be as reactive. With some time you will be awed that they can come up with some amazing solutions on their own.


3. Teach them what you know to be true.

It may not always seem like it but Mommy and Daddy are still their biggest heroes. They listen to what you have to say, so be wise with what you share. Teach them powerful tools to connect with themselves, others and their surroundings so they will know what to do when they have feelings of anxiety, boredom or restlessness.

4. Bring playfulness back into your life.

Having fun with the family is a sure way to get the kids off their devices but first we need to remember how to have fun. I always say kids can smell fear and a phoney from a mile away. It isn’t always easy to connect back to those carefree moments in your childhood but trust me it’s a MUST. Learn to have fun again, reconnect back to those days when a simple game using creativity and humility produced the biggest laughter. Your kids will rather be hanging out with you than any on screen.

5. Love thyself.  

Jane Travis once said “The relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have”. If your children see you value yourself, forgiving yourself, loving yourself, they are sure to follow in your footsteps.

Just like yoga, parenting is a practice.  How have you brought yoga into your home?  How do you share your practice with your children?  Tag us on Facebook or Instagram – we’d love to hear from you!


Yogis + Giving (A Christmas Story)

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The Christmas season really ramps up what us Yogis feel year round. Typically Yogis are givers, we want to share our experience and love of yoga  year round. December to us, feels like the rest of the world is catching on to what we are laying down…

Giving and sharing, when done genuinely and without attachment to the outcome or the receivers reaction to our gift can be an awesome opportunity to expose our people (or Secret Santa recipients) to what it is we experience year round.

When you give the gift of yoga to another, you are actually gifting them with and invitation into your community, your inner circle. You are asking them to spend time with you, you are giving them the gift of self-care, you are giving them an avenue to find peace and de-stress in their own life.


I think sometimes we can tell ourselves that offering the gift of yoga can seem pushy or insulting. I couldn’t possibly disagree more. How can it be, when you hold the true intentions of yoga in your heart as the gift giver.

When you give the gift of yoga, what you are actually giving is the gift of; Time, self-care, community, and a path to an improved version of their current being – it is truly the gift that keeps on giving…

It is a one-size fits all gift that can open people up and give them exactly what they are needing in that moment. Our role is to meet the receiver where they are at, offer the gift and trust that it will be utilized at exactly the time the receiver needs it most.

I invite you to think of who you could extend this invitation to in your own life, while all the while helping to create a larger community of like-minded individuals, which in reality in this day and age is a gift to everyone!! It’s a win-win and you are a rock star for sharing what it is that brings you peace, alignment and community with your loved ones!

Check your closest studio to see the amazing Christmas incentives and/or gift bundles they have, perfect for putting under your sparkly shiny tree this season. If you have little ones, spiritual seekers, athletes, or those looking for something new Power Yoga Canada has your covered.

Don’t forget to enjoy the season and breathe….

Happy Holidays and Namaste,


I Suffer From Yoga Guilt….

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I have a secret to share I have a disease, It causes mood swings, emotional eating, angry outburst and the occasional homicidal thought. It is called Yoga Guilt. It is something I know I will probably have forever but the good news is I am learning to manage it. Just like my dad’s diabetes I have parameters I have to put in place and triggers I have to avoid and just as he says no to high glycemic foods I need to learn to say no too!!!

Obviously I am kidding when I compare my Yoga Guilt with my tough cookie dad’s 30+ year fight with Type 1 diabetes…but, I could learn a lot about managing this fictional chronic condition from him!

Firstly what is the definition of Yoga Guilt…..?IMG_8817

Yoga Guilt is the tightness in your chest when you are trying to leave work on time to make it to your favorite class, or the flush of quiet anger you feel when you realize driving your kid to and from a classmates birthday party will mean no Yoga this Saturday or the massive crushing weight you feel all over your body when you leave your crying baby with a sitter and drive across town to catch the last class of the day.

Symptoms may include but are not limited to; irrational bouts of snippiness, tears, feelings of frustration, increased arguing with your loved ones and of course leaky bowels…ok maybe not the last one.

So how can we handle this condition so that our self-imposed guilt (and yes it is completely self-imposed) doesn’t manifest into loss of sleep, resentment towards others and worst of all giving up our mat time???

Just like my dad, I know I need to:

Plan Ahead: my dad needs to know when to eat and what to eat every few hours. I know I need to pick my classes at the beginning of the week (last minute does not work when you suffer from Yoga guilt) to make sure I have enough time to get there and I can say no if something comes up during the week in those pre-designated timeslots.

Take care of my health: Just like my dad I need to be consistent and committed to my practice. Because when I feel good and am healthy I can actively be more useful/helpful/positive for those around me.

Ask for help when I need it: Arranging for a sitter or a family member to help out weekly, alleviates some of the guilt you feel when you are trying to make last minute arrangements. The kids and puppies are prepared ahead of time and everyone knows what the plan is. OR ask your boss for flexibility in your schedule so that twice a week you can (without stress) make it to your lunch time practice.

Go easy on yourself: your condition tricks you into thinking you are a bad parent/caregiver/employee/girlfriend/husband/book club leader when you take time for yourself. Remind yourself that you need to tend to yourself and that the world will not fall apart for the 60 minutes while you are in king pigeon or rocking out a wicked Half Moon.

Get help for your symptoms and make your practice an automatic commitment that deserves your full attention, not a last minute whim that leaves you feeling stressed, rushed, and pulled in twenty different directions.

Banish that guilt and give those around you a chance to see what it looks like when someone makes their health and happiness a top priority. Soon you will see the bloating, itchy rash of self-punishment turn into a sweaty blissed post yoga glow. Trust me your loved ones will actually thank you for it 😉





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This spring has brought fourth so many opportunities for me. I started my own Slow-Pressed Juicing company, increased my responsibilities at my “Big Girl Job” and walked over a dozen clients through my comprehensive compassionate eating starter program.

I was enjoying the flow and the expansion I was feeling both personally and professionally. I had also recently  recommitted to  pushing my body to new lovely/strong limits (‘cause with the new workload I needed to make sure I was prepared to take it all on).

As the universe does, right after I made my out loud commitment to a fresh and rejuvenated personal fitness routine Kelly Nightingale (co-owner at PYC Oshawa and all-around great gal!) reached out and asked me if I would come out and take a sneak-peak class introducing Strength classes to the PYC Oshawa roster! How could I say no to that karmic hi-five?


The lovely and motivating Kelly


Kelly explained they were looking to introduce a new format called PY STRENGTH and that she would love for me to check it out and then (of course) share my experience with all of you! I said “Heck Yah” and found myself locked and loaded for 75mins (the new schedule has the class available for 60 mins) of seeing what I was made of!

Before I share my experience with you let me explain that I love me some Baptiste flow. I have taken (and taught) several types of yoga over the 20+ years I have been in the industry and I whole-heartedly believe that most types of traditional foundations have a purpose and serve a need for all of those that practice regularly. However, the Hot Vinyasa Baptiste Flow taught at PYC is “it” for me.

Needless to say, I did have a tiny part of my soul that was worried that this new format of PY Strength was going to deviate too far from what I had come to love!?

I can say without a doubt …That is absolutely not the case! The class focuses on control and muscle foundation. using Isotonic exercises. Exercises or poses are considered Isotonic when there is constant tension throughout a movement as opposed to most yoga consisting of Isometric exercises where there is muscle contraction but no movement (think bicep curl vs. a static plank!!) 13310585_1172508829467681_9185526002171503262_n

The folks at PYC have created this new format that takes the poses and flow we love and have incorporated repetitive movements that take your practice up about 80 notches all the while maintaining the integrity and flow of a traditional flow class.

The results are pretty fabulous! My sneak peak had about 25 folks in the class and we worked HARD! Kelly had us aware of the foundation of each pose and then incorporated reps and movement that took the muscle output up considerably. I LOVED the class and although the studio wasn’t quite as hot as usual, the amount of healthy glowing sweat was about 10 fold in that room! 13332900_1172508886134342_626787582608498321_n

PYC Oshawa has offered several options throughout the week to try out this new format. Throwing this workout into my normal PYC rotation is going to give me the boost I was looking for to really see how far I can take this lovely-forgiving and capable body of mine! Thanks Kelly for the invite and for creating this format with your team. As far as I am concerned it is a new staple in the PYC pantry!!




Intention To Action – 2016

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JANUARY!!!!  You know, the month where we start fresh, we make our own condiments and cut back on our consumerism, give of ourselves and our time AND work out/eat clean everyday? Power Yoga Canada has figured out a fantastic and uplifting formula for celebrating this “All-In” time of year.

The surrounding PYC locations host a Intention To Action workshops.  An evening or afternoon committed to identifying your intentions for the day, year, lifetime and creating questions that will get you clear on what it is exactly you want the outcome of your intention to be and how to create a plan (actions) that may just get you a couple of steps closer to that desired outcome or feeling!

I attended the PYC Oshawa Intention To Action Workshop, graciously hosted by Lululemon’s Oshawa Centre location. Kelly (with her back ground in event planning) pulled together a space that was conducive to sifting through your goals to really break through and laser focus in on your vision for your best self.

We were greeted with a journal, a pen and a name tag. Debbie and Kelly took the opportunity to foster leadership in their instructors and created areas that allowed their instructor’s to facilitate conversations that dug into the questions in the Intention to Action Handbook.

After we completed our sections and had a clearer vision on what was possible for each of us, Debbie took us through a very powerful meditation that had us visualize our lives at these fullest potentials. What did we see, Where were we, Who where we with, what did we look like and most importantly how did we feel? This was my favorite part of the evening and really brought my potential to life.


At the end we had a quick social and compared some of our dreams and expectations for the upcoming year, toasted ourselves and participated in a super fun selfie station that proclaimed our intentions to the world (well at least Facebook anyways!!)

Loved this program and will be back for 2017, cause we should always have new intentions we want to put into ACTION!



Taking Yoga on Vacation – How to keep up your practice Out-Of-Town.

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Vacations can quickly become an opportunity for all sorts of trains to be derailed and wagons to go off track!! We have the best of intentions to use our extra down time while on vacation to get in extra or new workouts. Somewhere between the all-you-can-eat buffet and the late nights our intentions can seem to just disappear. Luckily, yoga is probably the easiest form of physical activity to take with us on our get-aways.PYC

Firstly check out if your destination has a PYC location if you have a Universal Yoga Pass you are able to attend all PYC locations. This is a great option if visiting family, or out of town for work!!!

If your destination doesn’t have a PYC location check out my tips below to keep your yoga flowing and make your vacation a true opportunity to refuel and recharge!!

  1. Utilize Your Change of Scenery – One of the best benefits of being a regular yogi is being able to connect to your surroundings, and what better place to do that then on vacation. Beaches, mountains, forests and jungle settings all lend themselves to an awesome and expansive yoga session. Connect with the location that drew you to visit in the first place and incorporate your flow into your temporary surroundings.
  2. Bring a Travel Mat (or Towel) – Travel yoga mats are a great investment. They take up way less space than a traditional yoga mat and can easily be packed in a suitcase or strapped to a back pack. If space is an issue you can also ask the hotel, resort or hostel you staying at if they have a mat you could borrow throughout your stay! You would be surprised how many vacation destinations will oblige your request!!
  3. Shorter Sessions – Don’t let a busy itinerary throw you off your routine. Short sessions that really target a specific body part can really boost your yoga practice. Spending your vacation focusing on hip-openers can do amazing things when you return to your full practice. Fit in one or two shorter sessions between sight-seeing and you will be very pleased with what that can do for your practice.
  4. Enjoy the Alone Time – Vacations (especially ones that have big groups or require you visiting relatives) can be very stressful and full of CONSTANT social interaction. Schedule in your yoga practice and be vocal about disconnecting from the group to attend to your practice. Enjoy the quiet and come back to your group ready for some more heavy–duty socializing!
  5. Podcasts – This is definitely my number one tip!! I regularly download my favorite classes from the PYC website and bring my fav instructors with me! I love bringing my practice with me and plugging into a great class and keeping my yoga practice on track, all while I enjoy my new “home” and all of the amazing sights and sounds that accompany it!

Going on vacation is a fantastic chance to really focus on your practice and come back to “The Real World” improved and focused. Set the intention and be prepared before you leave and most importantly enjoy your vacation no matter how big or small, exotic or local it is!

Enjoying the sights on our most recent vacation!

Enjoying the sights on our most recent vacation!




PYC Folk!! Meet Nicole S.

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A few months back I had a super passionate PM fill my inbox with joy and intensity. It was from Nicole Shaw a Power Yoga Instructor at the Oshawa location. She really wanted people to hear why Private Yoga sessions at PYC where so beneficial to all levels of yogi’s!

And, she wanted me to write about it on the Blog!


Fast forward a few weeks and I had a better proposal for her. Why don’t we do an interview and YOU can tell people why they need private sessions in their lives!!! Nicole was all in, and super excited! So we had a passionate discussion and the following is what manifested!

Firstly, HERE are the details on Private Sessions. You can chose Private (One on One) Group Private (great for a bridal shower, team building or family bonding time!! –especially after too much Turkey!)

AC: What are the benefits of a private session with PYC?

NS: The benefits of a private session at any one of the Power Yoga Canada locations far outweigh the hesitations people may have about having that much attention focused on them. You benefit from individualized attention, you can work toward any sort of specific goal or work around a health concern. You are exposed to a world of modifications that you can take back into your own individual practice.Nicole1

AC: What is the best part of a Private Session for the Instructor?

NS: We love the chance to utilize what we have learned and continue to learn. Especially if our yogi has a special goal or concern they would like addressed. I find that I grow with every private session I conduct. I am constantly learning from our Yogi’s.

AC: What drew you to PYC?

NS: I love that PYC sees the “big picture” they see the benefits of Community engagement and I think there overall vision really draws in like-minded people, that are able to create a positive place in our communities.

AC: What drew you to yoga?

NS: I became an instructor after college. I started to have bad panic attacks and anxiety issues and yoga became a safe place for me to work out what I was feeling. It allows me an alternative to the medications my doctor initially prescribed.

AC: What is your favorite quote? Something that sums you up?

NS: It is a quote I read by Aristotle;

Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”Nicole2

AC: Piece of advice for anyone looking to join the PYC community?

NS: Start Now, Nothing is holding you back but you!!


Amber and Nicole