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I Can’t LOVE Yoga….I work out!!

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agony1I am slightly embarrassed to admit that I actually taught Yoga as a certified instructor before I fell in love with it. I was in the fitness biz and I thought a yoga certification would allow me to take care of my body and add more classes to my roster. I took a fully accredited course and worked very hard to earn that certification. I enjoyed the hours that I shadowed other instructors and co-taught and learned from everyone I could…but I far from LOVED yoga. I appreciated yoga and I was grateful for my own practice, but I couldn’t allow myself to fall head over heels in love.

People (men and women) who spend hours in the gym, track, pavement, or studio don’t give yoga the credit it deserves as a legitimate work-out. “It can’t burn the calories I need.” “My heart rate won’t hit the fat-burning zone.” “It won’t develop my muscles”….. I couldn’t bring myself to see yoga as an all-encompassing body workout.

I have seen many athletes discount Yoga time and again. I now know that they are absolutely missing out. Since I discovered Power Yoga through the PYC community I have seen yogis who lose 100+ pounds only using yoga. I have seen people prepare for marathons and Spartan races predominately using yoga. The most amazing part was the muscle development I saw. Using HEAVY weights in hours of strength training I couldn’t get my arm and back muscles to pop the way they do now. The other shocker was how sustainable yoga was, it simultaneously stretched and lengthened my muscles at the same time it tore them down, allowing them to grow back stronger. That’s not supposed to happen!

We workout junkies need to burn calories, define muscle, lift more and do MORE. Yoga has provided the balance I so craved. I can take the same class for months and never have it be the same twice. It adapts to what your body needs and gets harder as your body gets stronger. I still love running and swimming and a good muscle shred class. Those activities are now enjoyed in and around my yoga practice.


I now see that my misconceptions around yoga were partially the stories I told myself about yoga and partially finding the type of yoga (and community) that best suited me. Once I found Power Yoga I not only considered it my workout, but it satisfied my need for community connection, AND it helped me find my focus.

The greatest thing is so many I-Don’t-Yoga-I-Work-Out junkies are trading in some of their workouts for time on the mats. Yoga is helping to fill the gap, between caring for your body, and giving it a great workout. You won’t find any professional sports team that doesn’t incorporate yoga into their training on a very regular basis.

Now, one of my favourite things to do is bring non-yogis to the dark side. I love seeing that expression of understanding flitter across their face as the sweat pours from everywhere.

Cheerful Conversions,


Spring Equinox: The perfect time to reclaim your practice.

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The Spring Equinox is the mark in time at which the day and night are of equal length.spring

It also marks the beginning of the spring season. This is when we roll down the windows, shake out the carpets, and give everything a good scrub down. Nature uses it as a big old reset button. Everything starts to come to life and breathe anew.  Animals (including us) use this time to prepare for what is to come.

Our bodies are naturally in tune with this restart.  We naturally want to move more and feel free.  The premise of “spring cleaning” is to shake off the old, reclaim the new and purge, purge, purge! This translates perfectly to your Yoga practice.  Do away with what you have accumulated during the long cold winter, eliminate the stories you have created around certain poses.  Are there poses you tell yourself you just can’t do??  Get rid of that story and start preparing for when you can do this pose.

images9A8N38VLTake this fresh start as a chance to change your perspective, eliminate the excuses you have spent all winter creating about specific classes you just can’t make it to because you are a “morning/night person” – 6am, I am looking at you!!

Take stock of what truly isn’t working, physically and mentally, in your practice and give yourself permission to stop doing that.  Stop forcing your breakthroughs, stop future-tripping about the class you might not be able to make because of other commitments…during the class you are currently in.

Just write yourself the following permission slip:


Seriously, write it on a post-it and stick it to your yoga mat.  Announce it!!

Our practices need the change the spring equinox creates and your body needs different poses and different sequences at different points in the year.  Maybe you need to step up to the edge in certain areas of your practice or maybe you need to dial it back and focus on the basics just to see what blooms.

Also, take this time to reassess your goals. They shouldn’t be the same as the winter months. Take stock to decide and announce what this season holds for you.  Do you need to work on staying in the moment or do you need to let go of fear and let your muscles (and not your mind) tell you how far you can go?images2VO8GA5J

Use this Natural Reset to get the most out of the next 91 days (give or take a few hours).  Shake off the old, purge the unnecessary, and clean up everything that is left.  Enjoy where this new perspective will take you and be thankful for the clean slate!


Enjoy what flourishes from your renewed commitment,


Yoga Pose of the Month – Bird of Paradise

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Bird of Paradise was probably the first advanced pose I conquered near the beginning of my practice!  I have had a few “quick, somebody take my picture” moments associated with this pose.  So, needless to say, I have a loving, prideful feeling tied to this Power Yoga Canada -Pose of the Month.


Bird of Paradise in the non-yoga world can either refer to a flower or an actual bird!  Both of which are beautiful and kind of funky!!  Seriously, check out this feathery friends!!!bird of paradise1

The flower is beautiful and strong and fully expresses the elegance of this pose. The B.O.P. flower stands strong on one lovely, long and powerful stalk which truthfully represents the strength needed in your stationary leg and core to properly pull off this pose. It usually has bold petals that mimic the final stance of the Yoga pose. It is definitely not a flower that can sneak by unnoticed.  Because the pose incorporates a full bind upon completion that opens up your chest, it really comes across as bold and powerful as the flower.BOP1


The Sanskrit name for this pose is Svarga Dvidasanas.  Dvija means “twice born” and refers both to the bird (born once as an egg and again as the bird itself) and the pose, which requires two poses to reach a proper Bird of Paradise posture. Svarga means Paradise referring to the bird’s origin in New Guinea – in case you were wondering!


When I was researching this pose, the Sanskrit name really resonated with me. This advanced pose requires several steps to successfully come into and out of properly.  Check out Kinndli’s video to see what I am talking about.  I find this pose has two distinct stages or births.  Moving from your extended side angle to a full bind is one transformation and then using that plateau to step forward and rise into a full Bird of Paradise definitely feels like a second birth or “coming into yourself”.  The end product is a fabulous photo opportunity to impress your friends and fellow yogis and I dare you to strike this pose and not smile!

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Physiologically it is a hip and chest opener AND it is a great way to stretch and strengthen your hamstrings!  Finding that combination is quite rare in yoga and it really does feel like you are cracking out of your shell and emerging as that beautiful flower.


Bird of Paradise is a pose that invokes pride and elegance and can really enhance the benefits of your practice.  Check out your studios Facebook page and upload your Bird of Paradise to the Facebook pages for your chances at free workshops and classes.


Good Luck and let your Birds of Paradise soar,



Kids Yoga – Putting the “Break” back in March Break

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Between the strangle hold Winter has had on us and the amped up expectations for Spring, it is no wonder, that the powers that be instituted a week long break at this time of year! It is a chance for the kids to shake off the old, recharge their batteries and get used to playing outside again. The time change allows for longer/brighter evenings and we are all excited at the chance to go outside with only one layer on!March Break
The problem arises when we (as parents) try to figure out what to do with our kids for the week. Stay-at-home or working parents it is still a struggle to find the balance between over-programmed and bored-to-tears.

There are literally thousands of choices for kids during March Break including; vacations, day trips, time with the Grandparents, workshops and camps. Every major attraction has discounted specials and special activities and there is enormous pressure on parents to not have the kid whose response to “What did you do this March Break Tommy?’ be “I don’t know” or worse “nothing”….
We hear the advice as parents to not over-program our kids and risk them losing their abilities to entertain themselves. We become expected “cruise directors” that are on 24/7 so that god-forbid no one gets “bored”.

March Break1
So how do we find the balance?? I have found over my many years of parenting, many parent friends and running fitness camps for kids that listening is the KEY. We need to involve them and give them choices. One of the best ways for us and our kids to listen is first remembering how to tune into what we really need. On Family Day (way back in February) I signed little Izzy up for a kid’s yoga workshop at PYC Oshawa with Kerry Stewart-Moeller! It was fantastic! She really let the kids decompress. She kept them moving but also reconnected them with their own intuition. They learned to listen to themselves, move their bodies and really have a chance to recharge.
Kerry was able to show the kids that they could entertain themselves (without a screen) and gave them skills to practice outside of the yoga studio so they could easily obtain that feeling anywhere, at any time! The crazy part was the kids weren’t even aware that they were learning, they were just having fun and playing with their new friends.
Kerry teaches them mindfulness through breathing techniques and visualization. She connects them with their bodies and teaches them how to listen to their inner compass! This year she is offering a kids March Break Workshop on Monday AND she is opening it up to Kids AND Parents on Wednesday. Watching the kids learn trust and compassion through partner yoga is a great way to reconnect with your own kid over the break.March Break2
The kids yoga programs at PYC are exactly what March Break is about, check out your closest location and see what they have to offer for your munchkin.
As Ghandi says “If we wish to create peace, we must begin with the Children” what a fabulous lesson to instil over March Break and all without a long line-up or a screen insight!
Happy March Break and whatever you end doing over the next 7 days make sure you listen to yourselves and your children. Your gut will never lead you wrong!

Hello PYC & Thanks For Proving Me Wrong!

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Hey PYC!

I have been practicing yoga at the PYC Oshawa location since shortly after they opened. Recently I was given the awesome opportunity to dive deeper into the community as a guest blogger for the Power Yoga Canada site. I am super excited to embrace this opportunity and share some of my insights around compassionate living and the practice of Yoga.

I have been in the fitness industry for over 15 years, mainly in a municipal setting. I have trained clients, and trained staff to train clients. I have seen the trends come and go; I have seen studio’s fold and gym’s lock their doors on fully paid members.

I had become quite jaded with private fitness and perceived my way as “better”. So I am not quite sure how I found myself in Kelly and Debbie’s studio shortly after their doors had opened. But it was like walking through Alice’s “looking glass” – people were hanging out, sharing thoughts, dreams and goals for their yoga life, as well as their personal life. It was like all forms of judgement had been checked at the door and EVERYONE of all shapes, sizes and gender were welcome.

Open-Evening_featureAlthough I tried to turn off my “Fitness Insider” brain, I couldn’t help but notice that their business model was different, it was fair and based on respect (WHAT!!!??). I immediately signed up and accepted that these girls had gotten “it” right and not because they had a new savvy way of signing up new members or a killer advertising campaign that promised to cure you of all of your body misconceptions, but because they were fun, genuine and knew their Yoga. They lived what they were teaching and they provided a space for peace and contentment to blossom into community pride and action.

With every class I took I knew I wanted/needed more. I joined their first 40 Days To Personal Revolution program and most of those students who were by my side in the program are now an integral part of the PYC Oshawa family to this day. Many have gone on to become teachers, assistants and EE’s.

I am still insanely proud of my career but my eyes have been opened to another way of doing things. One that continuously fuels my soul and my body to this day.

My approach to life is very light hearted and my crazy blended family of 5 keeps me on my toes. I have battled a life-long struggle with my weight and my body (to which I have recently called a cease-fire) I am an avid blogger, writing guest pieces for local sites, working with my cyber partner Lindsay (another lovely PYCOshawa soul) to spread the message of Health and Wellness through words (and Social Media)!

I am seriously stoked to share this space with you all and to continue writing what we are all thinking.



Stay for Savasana!

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I find myself craving deep rest throughout my yoga practice, and yet when it’s time for Savasana I’d often rather be running a marathon! I find it hard to be still in those final moments, when I know the class is coming to an end and my workload will return shortly after. Despite the urge to roll up my mat and run, I stay still and clear my mind of the incessant need “to do.” Why do I do this? Everything I’ve learned about yoga so far has taught me to stay put when things get uncomfortable and acknowledge times for rest. To me, that’s exactly what Savasana is about: being still and restoring.

Some students routinely choose to leave a class before or during Savasana. This is not only disruptive to the class and teacher, but it comes at a big cost to you. Literally translating to corpse pose, Savasana offers you the chance to be completely tranquil and calm in your mind and body. Nothing works better for relieving stress and letting go than allowing the world to melt away in Savasana. In addition to being a powerful stress-buster, this resting pose also allows your body to return to its normal state. In between all those Chatarungas and Navasanas your heart rate goes up and your body gets hot. In Savasana your breath and heart rate will return to normal, your body will cool down and you’ll be ready to transition back into your day.

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The most important reason to stay in Savasana, in my opinion, is to allow your body to soak up all the healing benefits of the practice. Your body is constantly interpreting and processing all of your movements throughout your practice, including all the Downward Dogs and Warriors you do, and it needs time to absorb this information. Savasana provides your body with the opportunity to remember and integrate the information you’ve learned through each and every pose.  Next time you come into Upward Facing Dog, you may just find your upper arm bones naturally roll back, all thanks to the lesson your body has learned from last week’s class.

Rest at the end of class, because…why not? You’re already there for the full class so stay fully committed to it and yourself. Do you really think getting off your mat 5 minutes early will allow you to accomplish that much more in your day, anyway? Just consider that everything you need will come to you during rest. If you legitimately have to leave before Savasana because of a work commitment or something like that, just know that you can always choose another class that would work better with your schedule. If you routinely leave class early because you feel you have something more important to do, just remember that you are important, your practice matters, and your dedication to that full hour matters. This is not about being a good or bad student, it’s about giving yourself the best chance you can to relax, restore and revitalize your mind, body and soul. Give Savasana a chance and your asana will be very happy!

Written by Power Yoga Canada Teacher and Writer Eryl McCaffrey. Check out her blog:

40 days: six am.

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I recently completed the sunrise challenge through pyc, by attending each six am class for the month of April. Along the way, mostly on my yoga-buzzed drive home, I would take time to absorb the experience that came from meeting with Mike each day for 60 minutes…

one. wake-up call battles, happen.

a five am wakeup call, holds no place for “maybe”. you’re either in, or you’re out. I get it, the bed is warm, the sky is dark and snooze is just a finger tap away. waking up takes willpower people, BIG TIME. there will be part of your mind that challenges you to stay, even begs of you some mornings, flip it off. sit up, plant your feet on the ground and stand. battles over, you’ve won.

two. you forget.

ah, this is really quite wonderful. the thoughts of needing to get a workout in can haunt me some days…the best part of six am is it’s often so early, you forget you already sweat. hold on, did I dream about that class or did that actually happen? those body imprint stains on your mat aren’t just a figment of your imagination, sweat happened and your night is now free to spend however you choose.

three. comfort zones.

one of the really rad things I learned through this experience, was what happens when you challenge yourself to step “outside your norm”. when Andrea first mentioned the sunrise challenge, I laughed, right in her face. no way jose, that ‘aint me, too hardcore. then I shifted my thoughts, why not me? why not try it on? it was uncomfortable at first, but yoga often is. lesson time: staying stagnant sucks & comfort zones are for sissies.

four it’s the best start to any day.

a friend made a spectacular call-out this afternoon when she saw me flailing around wildly: I can tell you haven’t done yoga yet today, because you are acting like such a spaz. touché, noted, I shall do morning classes more often.

five. support systems rule.

my dad called me each morning to make sure I was awake, people from my work constantly joined me in classes (and became hooked, might I add) and pictures of my nephew would be waiting for me when I checked my phone after class. reach out and ask for what you need, lean on family and friends, because you are loved.

six. you feel like a badass.

you woke up before the rest of the world because you recognize the importance of rewarding you own body & mind. enough said you badass, enough said.

so wakey-wakey my friends, how many days do you wake up and have the sun waiting for you? it’s time to return the favour.


40 days: beginnings.

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newness is exciting. entering a new realm of possibility, of where we may take ourselves, what we may overcome in the process and expressing what is really holding us back, all demand newness. a new way of thinking is required, not necessarily in changing ourselves, but rather in challenging our current self to WAKE UP.

I started the 40-day personal revolution with the intention of letting go of these thoughts that hold me back, including the one right now that is questioning my writing and what value this blog actually holds (what does it all mean people?!). far too often I allow these thoughts that don’t serve me, to overpower and control far too many aspects of my life. I somehow find warmth in the security blanket of these lame thoughts that keep me cozy, yet stagnant.

so I welcome newness. I welcome these new beginnings. I welcome actions that will shift what I think I know, let go of what I have already learned and bring me new ways of genuinely creating and manifesting myself. I’m welcoming new actions that will allow me to make decisions from a place of intuition and power, rather than fear and doubt.

my intention with this program is to get straight up uncomfortable, I want to tap away at these tiring restrictions I place on myself and ditch the security blanket (it is spring time after all, the sun provides enough warmth now anyway).

this new experience is going to allow me to be surrounded by courageous people who are seeking a revolution of their own and together we shall generate something bigger than our current selves.

as Baron mentions in his book, the notion of ‘facing what is pure, the unsweetened truth of ourselves, so that we can move on and grow in an authentic way’ welcomes this new beginning of self-acceptance and discovery.

cheers to the beginning.

Are You Present?

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PYC ClarksonI’ve lived most of my life from my head – over-thinking, over-analyzing and worrying about every little thing. It wasn’t until I started practicing yoga that I even began to wrap my worried mind around the idea of presence.

My first few practices were confusing.

The teacher would ask me to ‘be present’ and I would think to myself: Well, yah, obviously. I’m here. I’m in the room. Where do you think I am, teacher? Now tell me what pose do to next.
I would hear the words ‘land in your body’ and I’d think: Land in my body? What does that even mean. I live in my body. How can I land in it?

It didn’t take me long to realize that all that inner dialogue was exactly what the teacher was encouraging me to step out of. I was NOT present. One moment I was overanalyzing what the teacher said, the next I was fretting about the essay I had to write, then before I knew it, I was getting mad at my sisters all over again replaying some fight from last year.

I wasn’t landing in my body because I was having a conversation in my head. 

That was years ago, and to this day, every time I hit my mat, I struggle between landing in the moment and wandering off in my head. That’s what the practice is for me, an opportunity to bring my body and my mind into the same place, at the same time.

We are on Day 3 of 40 Days to Personal Revolution at Power Yoga Canada and the theme of the week is Presence – bet you saw that one coming. If you are participating, awesome! If you aren’t, you can still join us in noticing when you are present in your life and more importantly, when you are not!

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a conversation with someone only to realize that you have no idea what they just said?
Have you ever been in front of your computer at work or at school and you get nothing done because your mind is fixated on that fight you got in with your boyfriend/girlfriend/friend/parents last night?
Have you ever pulled into the driveway after a long day and realized that you have no idea how you got there? Scary, right?

These things happen because you weren’t present. You were in your head, thinking about something that wasn’t actually happening in the moment. Take it from me, it’s a tough way to live! I suffered through a lot of my life because of the time I spent in my head dwelling on things that had already happened and worrying about things that might in the future. And this is still my work. It’s a practice that will never end for me, but one that has had an amazing impact on my relationships, life and overall happiness.

When you bring your attention to presence this week, you might notice that you aren’t really there for more moments than you thought. Maybe you’re realizing – like I did – that you’ve spent your whole life in your head.

Don’t get discouraged. It’s a powerful place to be. With the awareness that you’re not present, you see an opportunity that you didn’t even know was available to you before:

You can come back to the moment.

Jenn Dwyer

If you have any helpful tips for practicing presence in your life, share them with the community in the comments below! 

See more of my writing here.

If I just had more time

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I’ve been really struggling with time lately and feeling like I just don’t have enough of it. I’ve used this as an excuse to stay away from writing. The inspiration hasn’t been there. The words haven’t been coming. So every time I sit down to post, I tell myself I just don’t have enough time. There’s more important, more productive things I could be doing and off I go.

I convince myself that if I just had more hours in the day and more days in the week and more years in my life, I could get my writing going again. And it doesn’t stop at this. There’s a long list of things I would do, poses I would master, and places I would see if I only had the time.

In the airport last Thursday, I picked up Mitch Albom’s The Time Keeper. I was looking for a light read – since I don’t have enough time for a long one – and this looked like it would do the trick.

Moral of the story: the moment we started tracking time was the moment that we stopped appreciating life.

How many Sunday’s do you spend wishing you had another day to your weekend? How many work days do you look at the clock and think if you just had more time you could finish everything AND get to add some fun to your life after? How many times have you thought OMG, my life is flying by?

And the funny thing is, all this time we spend wishing we had more time just gives us less of it. We waste the time we do have in our heads. We don’t appreciate the moment.

This quick little read on an airplane taught me an important lesson. I can’t get more time but what I can do is use the time I’m given wisely. I can appreciate it. I can put it towards a good purpose.

This little lesson in time can be applied to so many other things in life. It’s simply really.

Stop asking for more and start appreciating what you have.

Jenn Dwyer
To see more of my writing, check out my blog here.